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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hot Processed Soap Making - Honey Coconut Shampoo Bars

Honey Coconut Shampoo Bars

I love Shampoo Bars - They are totally the best for curly hair, there are no bottles to throw out and minimal packaging to fuss with. I love that I can customize a bar of soap with oils that work for all hair types.

So pretty soon I am going to the Toronto Natural Hair Show and I wanted to sell some Shampoo Bars. So I came up this this recipe. This is my Honey Coconut Shampoo Bar. (No actual honey used). I did however use honey fragrance oil.

Oils melting in the Crock Pot
Melted oils
Oils mixed with Lye Solution 
After about an hour of "cooking" with the lid on
Sticky Paste now soap in the mold :)


  1. This looks really cool. I have never tried a shampoo bar before.

    1. You should try one. I really like how they make my hair clean, but don't strip it of oil. May take some getting used to. Also Apple Cider Vinegar rinse will help bring your hair back into balance.


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